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uKit AI at Deep Learning in Retail Summit

Roman Steinberg, the leading data scientist of our project, will be one of the speakers at a big AI-industry conference in London.

On March 16th, the head of data science at uKit will share his experience and his first conclusions about the work of the system that evaluates small business websites with the help of AI, and present a roadmap on development of smart technologies in web design and website building for the coming years.

"Integrated recommendation systems & support chat-bots can be found web-wide. But AI, Machine Learning, Deep Learning & Generative Design strengthen their positions in website building and designing industry — branding, front-end coding and even working with layouts", — says Roman.

In the speech, he will discuss today's achievements and future possibilities of website building: from a simple ability of AI to evaluate how people will react to your website to creating a personalized version of this website for a particular visitor exploring their data and online behavior.

P.S. You can also meet our team at the conference expo zone on both days of the conference.

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